We Are Young, Heartache To Heartache We Stand

Dec 18, 2009 19:25

Let me just start off by saying that standing in heels for 7.5 hours everyday is no joke. My feet have now become uglier than they used to be.

It's almost christmas day. I used to be the girl that would listen to christmas carols in March, now I try to train my ears to only pick up the music coming from the 'mac' counter at work so that I don't have to listen to crappy, department-store christmas music all day. It also kinda sucks when the songs have lyrics like "Baby it's cold outside", and "It's beginning to look a lot like christmas" and when you look out the doors it's bright, sunny, green and HOT.

But I cannot complain. Hawai'i has grown on me. Do you know that Hawai'i is not pronounced the way we all pronounce it aka Ha-Wa-Ee ... it's actually pronounced as Ha-Vah-Ee because of how the 'W' is sometimes a 'V' in Hawaiian. Interesting, eh?

To be honest, what I truly mean when I say that Hawai'i has grown on me is that I have become very attached to the beach and the weather and have become insanely obsessed with bikinis and cover-up/ beach dresses. The obsession is crazy! I think I almost have 30 bikinis to date. At an average of $100.00 a set, that's an amount I don't even want to type out.

In other news, my paternal grandpa had a minor stroke about two weeks ago. He had been throwing up for 3 days straight and was hospitalized where it was learned that he had suffered a minor stroke as well. He (THANK GOD!) is recovering at home now and everything seems to be fine. I spoke with him last night and he sounds like the same, jolly man that he has always been. I was really scared for a moment there. I am lucky enough to have all 4 of my grandparents at the age of 23 (knock on wood). All of whom I have very good relationships with and have had throughout all the years of my life. I don't know how I would deal with losing one of them.

Family is everything.

Tickets and hotel for 5 days of paradise with him in Honolulu have been purchased. I fly out to meet him in exactly 2 weeks and 6 days! I am already nervous and scared of everything and more. A couple of days ago he randomly wrote me a thank you note. It wasn't anything to write a song or make a movie about but it was heartfelt, awkward, and kinda nice. All it said was: "Sooo - I just want to say that I'm really looking forward to coming down. And I really appreciate you coming over to see me ... And I appreciate you finding us a place to stay ... And I know that you didn't have to do that ... And I realize that ... And thank you!"

He has changed in so many ways. Some days I wake up and think that maybe, unconsciously waiting these 3+ years might not have been such a bad thing after all.

With the recent happenings, the one thing that stood between everything has now almost disappeared or is rather set to disappear in 2 - 4 weeks. What happens when the walls you were hiding behind all this time suddenly disappears?

7 days to CHRISTMAS
14 days to a NEW YEAR
20 days to HONOLULU
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