May 22, 2007 00:23
maybe it's a little too soon to ask that..i mean, i've only posted like two, however, please let me know if you're reading these because in some sort of way it motivates me... thanks.
so another productive day in the world of l.b. (my initials)
- walked to the bank to deposit mula
-spent mula at a clothing store
-got coffee
-big cumfy couch / tv time
that's all.
so sad. so sad.
does anyone else wanna slap people in the jugular (sp?) when they rant about their signifcant others that are really not at all that significant? yeah hi my sister is one of those. it only ferociously rubs it in that i am indeed a-fucking-lone.
feeling sorry for myself vs. become a lesbian
what do u think? --can you even becomeee a lesbian? no.
there's no hope.
i can't sleep. my thoughts are so wrapped up in my own self-sorrow. god, that was deep--probably explains the reason why i can't put my mind to rest. fuck fuck fuck.
i need comments...
thanks, goodbye.