Sep 28, 2010 22:25
7:22 am - Left home
8:07 am - Arrived at school; went to locker
8:20 am - Studied for Assessment class!
9:00 am - Concepts class: Finished lecture over nursing history, then new lecture was over the nursing process.
11:55 am - Class over; went to my locker
12:00 pm - Lunch; studied some more for Assessment
2:00 pm - Assessment class: Exam!
3:30 pm - Assessment class: Lecture was over cultural competence (i.e., how the nurse has to be culturally aware and sensitive to the needs of the patient). It was a lot of fun! We did the lecture by playing "hot potato," and there were prizes given out.
4:20 pm - Class ends; wandered through the Logo Fair and bought a few things, including a really cool TWU t-shirt. Wanted a hoodie sweatshirt, but it wasn't my size. Snacked on fruits, cheese, and crackers; chatted with friends and classmates. A much needed break!
5:15 pm - Went to computer lab to check email and Blackboard for class notes and any other important info.
5:30 pm - Left the computer lab
5:40 pm - Went to student lounge to study for pharmacology class; wrote a few poems on Twitter
7:00 pm - Homeward-bound for dinner; more crying while studying for pharmacology class!