This year, I'll give it to someone special

Nov 09, 2006 19:42

I have finally begun to recover from Cabaret. I am slowly getting caught up with my school work. Sort of. I am still behind, but things are getting done. Which is amazing. I have been feeling so fatigued lately no matter how much sleep I got, and I was about to go to Student Health and see if I either have mono or am anemic, but I opted to have a healthy meal and buy some vitamins instead, so that is what I did. And I am feeling much better today. I made progress in my weightlifting class for the first time in weeks today. HOLLER. So my muscles are all bulgey. That is pretty much my favorite feeling ever. So, I am taking a good multivitamin along with Vitamin C and a B complex, so all that should make a difference. I am also trying to eat more so my body has a chance to get what it needs. Amazing theory, right?

I leave tomorrow morning before sunrise for Boston, which is still ridiculous to me. I will spend two grouling days filming and return to Chapel Hill on Sunday ready to do some serious work. The semester is almost over. I just have to push forward.

I should also mention I am completely smitten by this boy. Like, disgustingly so. I am pretty sure Kate has been impregnated multiple times already by our adorable-ness. It is a great feeling, as I have not felt like this in an awfully long time. I cannot get enough of him. Gah!

Monday is my birthday. I will be getting money and will buy my very own Canon Digital Rebel XTi soon. OMFGYES. Speaking of, my Duke football picture received praises in my photo class today. My teacher referred to it as "Sports Illustrated ready." After class, I asked him how much the camera I was using costs ... about $7,000 for the body. I was afraid to ask about the lens. So that was fun.

Back to work. Also, way to go America.
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