Dec 11, 2007 11:18
Something that seems to be lacking at tech is happiness in the students. Most people always complain about the workload and they tell prefrosh not to come here because it's terrible.. But I don't think it's so bad. We all chose to come here, and we pretty much knew what we were getting into... Oh, and also, I have this neat ability that enables me to not stay sad for that long. Take, for example, a final I had to take. It was a really difficult final for me and I did terribly on it... but then after the time limit was over, I just forgot about it, and I was happy again! There's no point in worrying about what's done, since you can't change it. So... I guess finals don't really worry me much after they're done. It's the before and during that worries me... But I guess that's why I like getting my finals out of the way early (which isn't a very good way to study, so I don't recommend it). Anyway, people always comment on my happiness.. they say I'm always happy and stuff. And I think the reason I'm happy most of the time is that I am like a little kid. I get amazed at most things I see, especially if it's shiny or has lights. But little things like that amuse me, and they also help me forget anything that's making me irrationally sad. So I guess that's how you stay happy.. keep your inner child? But acting like a kid all the time is childish.. so we need to find that balance.. where we can still enjoy the world we live in but also be aware of what's going on in the world.