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Mar 07, 2007 03:58

I really should go to sleep. But for some reason, right now I'm not tired and I feel productive. Except it doesn't really work because I have no idea what to do for what I'm trying to work on. So I decided to blog here cause I haven't done that in a long time.

Basically, I've been busy with EE 51. If you don't know, that is a class here that pretty much consumes your life. We have a program to write each week (actually, more like 5 or 8 things combined), and we have to get it to work and demo it on Saturday. Plus, we have an outline for the next week due on Mondays, and regular homework things due Tuesdays. And that's just for one class.. the same number of units as our math class or our physics class.. which only have one set each week. So this class is pretty time consuming. A couple of weekends ago, I spent my whole weekend in lab trying to get this one thing to work.. it was trying to get motors to work. Basically, this term we're making the software for this little car thing with 3 wheels to move around and rotate a turret and fire a laser. Plus, there's a display and a keypad and errors and all this fun stuff that we need to implement. So to make the car move, we have to use motors to turn the wheels. But it had 3 wheels that only spin in one direction but can slide in any direction, so we have to calculate the speed of each motor to make it go the speed and angle that we want it to. We get to use sin and cos and all that jazz.. So I didn't get mine to work. And I haven't had time to work on it since.. good thing I'm on pass/fail. =\ Anyway... I get really confused in that class. Plus, every class has gotten more difficult in these past couple of weeks.. except Chem. That's been easier. But math and physics got more difficult. Or maybe just math. But it seems a lot worse because of EE, I think. I don't really have much time.. and I have to work a lot this week because it's the last week before finals. I also have a research paper (3500-4000 words) to write by Friday.. and I haven't started writing it yet. =( I meant to start it over the weekend.. but EE 51 pretty much destroyed my weekend. So, I'll just have to work on it tomorrow and the next day. Hopefully all those years of IB will help me pull it off in a reasonable time. But I also have the EE outline for the main loop (the final putting everything together code) due Thursday, and chem due Friday. Pretty much there's something due every day this week, and I don't have time to work ahead of time because of the other things due. I'm excited for this term to be over though.. except for the fact that I won't be on pass/fail next term.. and EE 52 supposedly takes a lot more time, and Physics 1C is more difficult.

Well, enough of that. I didn't really mean to go off on that rant... but that's basically what I've been feeling for the past couple of weeks... not exactly stressed, since I'm on pass/fail.. but tired. I want to get things done.. but I know I won't get EE to work. So I guess I'm just resigned to that fate. And I'm more stressed out about next term.. I don't know how I'll do this on grades. But I'll get to it as it comes, I suppose.

Anyway, daylight savings is this Sunday. That means an hour less time for finals.. I wonder what would happen if we took a final right when the time changed. That would be funny. Then for a 4 hour final, we'd only have 3 hours! Oh no! (or it would have lasted 5 hours) So make sure you don't take a final during Saturday night at 2 am. I think that's when the time officially changes.

Okay, I think I should work on something or go to sleep. I need to get more sleep. This term is my experimentation term.. I'm pretty much doing things that I shouldn't be doing.. and I'm making a mental list of what I need to not do for next term..
Don't procrastinate
Don't waste time
Don't have your short breaks last 3-4 hours
Don't go to sleep late (try to go to sleep at 1 or 2)
Don't fall asleep in class (take notes..? pay attention.. learn? or don't go)
Yeah.. basically I need more sleep to function well. And I need to learn better, and procrastinate less. Then my life would be a lot nicer. Although it is pretty nice right now.

Okay, that was basically a long, rambling blog. Sorry about that.. most of it is stuff just so I could get my thoughts out. I should read over this again later (sometime next term, maybe) so I can remember what I learned.. maybe this is like resolutions for me. New Term Resolutions.
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