Pooklet's Molotov (Henna Ginger) & Aelia's Retro Green
I started this recolour as another attempt at learning to retexture (and apparently was able to for the girls undies). >_< I liked them, though, and I wanted kids to have more choices with their underwear (at this point I don't think I had any custom underwear for boys and only one set for girls).
Pooklet'd undies in game
Aelia'd undies in game
Pooklet's Fulminant (Dark Green) & Blasting Agent (Medium Purple)
Aelia's Retro Red & Pink
Pooklet's Time Bomb (Platinum White) & Aelia's Retro Dark Pink
Colour Swatches:
Aelia's Retro Colours BoysPooklet's Natural Colours BoysPooklet's Unnatural Colours BoysAelia's Retro Colours GirlsPooklet's Natural Colours GirlsPooklet's Unnatural Colours Girls Credits:
Aelia for her retro actions
Pooklet for her colour actions
Aquilegia for textures on girls undies
EAxis for textures and mesh
Files are compressorized and labeled.
Swatches included in the zips.
Uses base game meshes CFBodyNaked & CMBodyOverShirtShorts.
Download Girls UndiesDownload Boys UndiesDownload Rainbow Voodoo (Both Boys & Girls Undies) Title Reference:
Rainbow Voodoo by Clark