Dec 24, 2004 18:06
1. What time did you get up this morning? 8:30ish
2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Polar Express
4. What is your favorite TV show? Charmed
5. What did you have for breakfast? a fudge
6. What is your middle name? Marie
7. What is your favorite food? Chicken
8. What foods do you dislike? Sasuge....
9. What is your favorite crisp flavor? …what?
10. What is your favorite CD at the moment?ASHLEE SIMPSON! DUH lol
11. What kind of car do you drive? dont drive 1 @ the moment
12. Favorite sandwich? chicken w/ cheese on white
13. What characteristic do you despise? Liars
14. Favorite item of clothing? tops that say
15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you want to go? Bahamas, Cancun, Hawaii, England,...
16. What color is your bathroom? white w/ betty
17. Favorite brand of clothing? Aeropostale and American Eagle
18. Where would you retire to? a beach somewhere
19. Favorite time of the day? Night or really really early n the mornin wen its still dark...
20. What was your most memorable birthday? my 14th so far..
22. Favorite sport to watch: football
23. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? i dont expect ppl 2 i just do it 4 fun
24. Person you expect to send it back first? same answer
25. What fabric detergent do you use? surf i think
26. Coke or Pepsi? COKE!
27. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night
28. What is your shoe size?8 and 9
29. Do you have any pets? 2 dogs 5 cats and my sister has a hamster and my grandma has 2 dogs
30. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your Family & Friends? Nope, i'm good
31. What did you want to be when you were little? Artist
32. What are you doing today? It's Christmas Eve...spent most of the time ^stairs w/ my family or on the puter
there is another 1...i really have noting 2 do so ive just been doin these all day lol