All grr and stuff...

May 08, 2005 17:15

Wow, I'm feeling pretty crappy today. Since I woke up I've spent the majority of it fighting with my dad. Grrr I hate this... I just want to leave... but yay me...I have no where to go... So I have to deal with my dad being a jerk to me.

See he smokes all my smokes. I bought a carton of ciggerets not even a week ago, and I'm on my last pack. So today he ask to bum one and I say no, cause this is all I have left, wat does he do? Flip out over anything and everything. I'm really tired of this crap... I asked him why he doesn't just buy a pack for himself, and he says cause he's quitting. GOOD FUCKING JOB!!!

To him quitting means he quits buying packs for himself and smokes all of ours. (ours being everyone who lives here, and everyone who comes over.) So we are all buying twice as much, and then he has the nerve to say I smoke too much.


I'm not going to bum him any ciggeretts till he buys me a pack, I don't need to be treated like it's my obligation to give him all of mine. any who that is all for now...

::batman is on vacation::
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