Dear Troll Residing Under the Psychotropic Ink Bridge:
I'd always dreamed of having my very own troll. I had heard good things, as you might imagine. In fact, I once had a discussion with a goat in which he told me things about trolls that you wouldn't believe. In addition, my great grandmother -- shortly before she passed away ten years ago at the age of 136 -- began to LOOK like a troll (you know, one of the flesh-colored ones with the red hair that sticks straight up?). I miss her so.
So I was pretty damn excited when I began to see the telltale signs around -- just little things, as one would expect, troll-droppings and the like -- that this place had trolls. I mean, c'mon, how many blogs getting 2-3 hits per month do you know that have their very own troll? There's so little to eat around here that you'd think they wouldn't bother...
My only problem, in this case, is that this particular troll is a blatant racist apparently involved with hate-speech-ridden tshirts over at Oh, let me add -- IN MY OPINION. He's illiterate, too, incidentally. In addition, he must spend a LOT of time online -- trolling -- because he found my site and the entry referring to him within an hour of when I typed it up last month. Which is really, you know, impressive.
Alas, although his understanding of copyright law proved to be poor, even for a swarthy mythological beast, I took down the post in question because hate speech and illiteracy are never funny. Ever. The thing is, he didn't leave. He's still around, taking pot shots in posts that have NO other comments. Some of these comments have in turn been erased. By me. Because, you know, I can't handle semi-literate flaming without running to Mom.
So I had temporarily disabled anonymous comments, but after giving it some thought, I've enabled them again. Mostly because I discovered that one of my anonymous music hecklers last month was actually my sister-in-law. She made a comment about country music back over at the entry where I committed copyright infringement against Carrie Underwood. I'm not one to discourage hecklers, and would even like to think I could handle one better than Michael Richards.
I know, I know, the rule is that you don't engage these trolls. They have enough to worry about -- the drooling, the self-loathing, the inability to create a funny tshirt design. But this page has been dead for months, and I've got a "Delete" button.
So, to the troll residing under the Psychotropic Ink bridge -- it's okay. There are places that can help you. And while, yes, you are borderline retarded (I mean that in the clinical sense, not as an insult), you should know that you're not alone.
Happy New Year.
Psychotropic Ink