Title: Just Like Alice
amberwindCharacter/Pairing: Rose
Rating: G
Warning: None
Disclaimer: I own nothing, and I make no money from this.
Spoilers: Post-DD.
Summary: 808 words, not including title and quote.
Short little one-shot, written for
The 100 Themes Challenge, prompt #31 - Flowers. The person who can name the old school Who reference
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Well, I won't deny that I am a Doctor/Rose shipper, but I did try to stay away from overt shipping with this one. I've seen the references to Memento Mori elsewhere, and I thought it terribly fitting, given the prompt. XD
I'm sure there's a mention of it in the books somewhere, but I heard of it in the Eighth Doctor Audios - the Time Lords called the Doctor's companions memento mori, in that he kept them with him because they reminded him of mortality.
And yes, rather fitting - good use of your prompt :o)
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