May 13, 2004 21:23
I've been bad and not posted much of anything. Today promises to make up for that.
Sent a card with a letter enclosed to the little girl in my life; might be getting her a postcard from Las Vegas when my parents go, maybe just maybe. Poor kid is having a rough week.
And when it rains, it pours. Literally. The office I work at had people acting like they were going to either melt or dissolve. And the rain? Coming down in buckets. Mini-lakes were forming in the parking lot, and I was energized. Of course, once I got home it was a world of How Fast Can I Fall Asleep on the Couch-ville (world record: I don't remember locking the front door behind me!) And waking up was hard to do. Yechh. Especially in a pool of my own sweat because the humidity combined with the lack of AC (gotta remember to kick someone in the head for turning it off). Double eww.
And I'm wishing I could fly a Certain Someone Who's Birthday is Sunday out here. Like, now. I'd quit my job to spend time with her. Hell, I'd quit just because the house is a mess, quite frankly.
And we need a Swifffer, or a Clorox Ready Mop, or something like that. Sheesh.
And I got a book from Barnes & Noble. Okay, I got a couple. But I also got a really good DVD: Empire Records, the Remix: Special Fan Edition. 16 minutes of extra stuff, baby! Yeah!
And now, to make dinner. And go back to bed, most likely.