I. Am. Tired.

May 07, 2004 20:39

Very, very tired. I feel like this week has been too short and too long all in the same breath. Organized the files so we're not behind on bills anymore, still working on the final steps to finish that project up. Haven't done a damn thing with the garden, and there's no guarantee this weekend will help, either. Between the Bull party, Mother's Day, and getting the kids so we can switch weekends again, I'm already tired of this weekend. Mostly, though, it's the kids. Donna is bringing Nan out tomorrow around noon, and she's grumpy about it. So why is she doing it? Because Nan's doing 6 weeks of baseball. Donna tried to get her to quit, and Nan told her that she really wanted to play. And why did Donna want her to quit? because she's lazy and doesn't want to drive Nan to the freakin' practices and games. On the flip side of that coin is that Nan has been a royal pain in the butt every time she's over here lately; last weekend I damn near ripped her apart, but kept my tongue in my mouth and escaped as far from her as I could. And yes, that's exactly what it was.

As for Finn, here's hoping he's doing better now that they've moved out by Fest. He was pretty crazy last time, and that was before the move. Finn doesn't handle moves very well. (Can't say as I blame him, either.)

Wow, I'm really tired. I'm gonna take a nap before Ed gets home.
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