So I've determined...

Jan 28, 2010 11:34

that my subconscious must hate my father. I keep having dreams where i get into huuuge fights with him. last time it was like, he asked me to do something really simple and i just started screaming at him to fuck off and that i hated him. This time it was more mixed emotions. He was being the most giant douche in the world (although i can't remember exactly what it was he was doing) but at the same time he was buying me a really nice guitar. because for some reason in the dream i was learning to play guitar. at the time i knew like two cords, so it was pretty nice of him to buy me a guitar i guess. But he also just left me at Giant Tiger. Which, i admit, is not far from my house in stratford, but why would he just leave me there? So then i get a call and he tells me there's a llama outside for me to ride home. WHAT?! so i go outside, and there is totally a llama. and i rode it home. but the dream ended before i got to see my pretty new guitar :( oh well. i couldn't have played it anyways.

and also

dear uterus
fuck off. thanks.
love amber.

uterus, dreams, dad

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