Nov 04, 2009 18:36
So i had this dream. I'm pretty sure i was acutally in a movie. or it was based on a movie. But it was like, I came home, and there was another woman in my house, saying that she was married to my husband and had been for twenty years. and we were both just like WTF NO I'M MARRIED TO HIM NOT YOU. oh, and the man in question was Harrison Ford. Instead of just kicking me right out of the house though she agreed to let my stay while she was at work to talk to him and figure it out, which i think is a weird thing to do. if someone came into MY house and told me they were married to my husband i would tell them to get the fuck out right away. but the dream ended before i got to talk to Harrison Ford so we'll never know whether it was me who was married to him or not.
i also had a dream that me and laine and liz were running to catch a greyhound bus but for some reason i had the cat outside and i had to go put him back inside before we could get on the bus.
harrison ford