Oct 17, 2009 15:49

tegan and sara's new album Sainthood leaked today. Or i guess it was yesterday. in any case, now i can listen to it!!! so i did. and i like it. everyone in the community is a big negative nelly though, and have to give their opinion on everything. didn't their mothers ever teach them, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. god.

in other news, the other day i had this dream where there was this group project, and someone I knew was in a group with Jason. as in Jason from the slasher films, with the hockey mask. which is completely nonsensical to me. but they were on the phone with him trying to work out details for this project, but he apparently can't talk and was just grunting his answers like urrnnnggghhh. and taht was pretty much the whole dream....

and then last night i had one that i was in st marys, which is a place i do often hang out, with my bf, usually with the same people. but in the dream i was somewhere else, and blair wasn't there yet, and i didn't recognize anyone. and i texted him like, are you coming? and he wanted to know if someone named "test" was there. which is a strange name to say the least. and before you ask "are you sure he didn't mean tess?" no, he didn't, test was a guy. I don't know how i knew it was a guy though, since i didnt know anyone there, and my answer to "is test there" was "i dont know". I jsut wanted to go to nicole's, which is where we usually hang out. and someone kept calling me about somewhere i was supposed to be about some other group project that i was apparently skipping out on....i dunno.

i like to play with my weed.

sara quin likes the rock and roll.

dreams, tegan and sara

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