An academic question

Apr 01, 2010 00:24

I have to ask this, so I can concentrate on the paper I'm supposed to be writing, rather than sitting here mulling over this or (worse) researching it.

O ye writers of fanfic:

Have you ever written a gender-swap AU? This includes fics where one, a few, or all characters are just naturally genderswapped (e.g., a universe in which Squall and Seifer are female and Quistis and Rinoa are male), or Something Happened to cause one or more of the characters to spontaneously swap genders (e.g., Hermione slipped polyjuice potion in Ron's pumpkin juice to make sure he NEVER laughed at her cramps again).

First, what made you decide to write an AU? ("the lulz" is a sufficient answer, but if you've got more, I'd love to hear it)

What kind of AU was it? (one character or many, external or internal change)

Did the characters respond differently in their new genders? (More or less emotional, communicative, friendly, talkative, considerate?) Were you surprised by the changes/lack of changes?

Did you deliberately consider how being/becoming a different gender would affect their relationships with other characters?

Any other comments?

Feel free (oh please please please) to pimp this out to your friends, relations, acquaintances, random people on the street, whoever.

i should be working, academia is eating my face, real life

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