String theory

Nov 11, 2009 21:00

It's extremely rare for me to see dreams that I remember afterward or ones that aren't so domestic they'd put me to sleep if I wasn't already, but last night's dream was totally something else.

I was at work, having lunch with a couple of colleagues (see what I mean?), and one of them for some reason asked me to translate the word langanlaiha, which is a Finnish idiom meaning someone really thin. I told her that a word-for-word translation didn't really work but gave it anyway. I got out the words "skinny as a", and then said the last word, "string", out loud.

It wasn't the usual mumble I do when speaking in my sleep but instead rung out loud and clear in the bedroom, waking both myself and N. Apparently it was such a jarring experience that both of us still remembered in the morning, and compared WTF notes :P

dream, random

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