The Gilmore Girls

Nov 27, 2016 18:24

N and I marathoned the new Gilmore Girls episodes on Saturday, and I am still so full of fuzzy, happy feels ♥

SPOILERS for A Year in the Life under the cut.

I am so, so happy we got to see more of our favourite girls, and I'm absolutely delighted that the show got everyone to come back! Not just the main cast, but also people like Zak's band, Caesar, Gypsy... Everyone! Before we started watching, I was a bit worried that it would just be a cavalcade of characters, but I should've trusted the Palladinos to deliver plot as well as feels.

The only downside for me was Rory's character development. In the original series, I'd forgiven her the thing with Dean as one of those stupid things everyone does when they're kids, but this whole Logan affair confirmed that cheating is just what and who she is. Infidelity is a major no no for me, be it in real life or fiction, and this really put me off Rory. Which is a great shame, because I always liked her best with Logan. Now I think Rory and Logan deserve each other, and I don't mean that in a good way. I always imagined they'd find their way back to each other, and maybe they still will, but they'll cheat on each other, because that's what cheaters do, and it'll end terribly messily. As it should, because cheaters don't deserve happy endings.

And I guess that Paul thing was supposed to be funny? I suppose I just don't get treating your partner like shit for comedic effect.

And of course anyone who knows me, knows that I didn't appreciate the baby announcement :P At least I saw it coming, the way Rory was grilling Christopher, so it didn't catch me completely off guard. I just really resent the notion that no one's life could possibly be complete without kids.

But that's the moaning over, and overall I am totally over the moon. I really like that they left the ending open, for everyone to imagine what happens next. I did get a bit of a vibe, with the baby and Jess staring forlornly at Rory through the window, that they might have left the door open for the possibility of more episodes in the future, but if this is the end, I am happy with it.

I know I bitched more than I squeed, but if I put all my squee in, I'd just end up repeating each other scene by scene. I loved it, take my word for it.

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