in which there is parenthesis abuse

Apr 05, 2016 22:23

I have a new iPhone SE and it is so very shiny!

I've had my old iPhone 5 for ages because I hate how big all the generation 6 phones are, and I kept on hoping Apple would come to its senses and release one that a person with small hands can use one-handed. And then they finally did!

And to top it off, N discovered that Apple take trade-ins. I got a hundred for my old phone (and N £50 for his ancient iPhone 4), so in the end I didn't have to dig into my savings account for more than £340. That's pretty damn good for a brand new iPhone.

We've been stalking the Apple website for a little while now to see when the phones would come into stores (until today, you could only order online, so of course you wouldn't get your trade-in), and today at work N messaged me with the good news. So we stopped by the localish Apple store after work (things I miss absolutely miss from the UK: shops being open until 10pm), and picked up our new (identical) phones.

It's so shiny! And smooth and pretty!

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