Teen Wolf 3.08

Jul 24, 2013 21:47

Wow, an actual thought-provoking episode for once. Except considering that it was told by Peter Hale and Gerard Argent, even with the audience being shown they were lying, I don't think fandom should trust a word of it, and certainly not extrapolate too much.

I have to say, though, the Peter Hale is a great character. He's a murderer, a liar, a psychopath, and there's nothing that he could so or say to be forgiven for those things. And yet you want to like him (well, I do at any rate). Because he's sassy and sarcastic and smooth. I think Ian Bohen is phenomenal in depicting both sides of Peter.

Assuming Peter and Gerard were lying only about the things we were shown to be false, here are the two things I found most interesting in this episode:

  • Kate wasn't Derek's first and only love (which is one of the main reasons I believe Peter is lying about everything
  • We got confirmation that he alpha pack is a very new thing. I always imagined it as this ancient order but I might have to let go of that now

That said, I've seen a lot of speculation that Paige happened to Peter, not Derek, and that's what I believe happened. Otherwise there are just too many things even for the normal plot-holiness of Teen Wolf (Paige dying under the druid tree, Talia's reaction to Derek's blue eyes, Derek getting involved with Kate after what happened with Paige, the eye colour explanation in its entirety, etc.

Whether Peter was lying to just Stiles and Cora or to the whole audience, one thing is true. It wasn't the fire that turned him into a sociopath.

But I was really disappointed that they had to smack us in the face with the unreliable narrator bit. Err, we were actually watching the show, we could see Peter and Gerard were lying. Unless it was a really heavy-handed way to make us question all the other bits too.

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teen wolf, tv

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