Teen Wolf 3.04

Jun 26, 2013 21:32

I made lots of notes while watching the episode but I've suddenly developed a toothache and can't really give this much attention.

Derek's romance is coming on way too strong. I feel that I could really like Ms Calendar Blake and I really enjoyed how open Derek was with her (though I believe he's just flirting to distract again), but it's just too soon. No matter what the romantic music would have us believe.

And when Ms Blake asked Derek "who are you", man. I would've given anything for a smug grin and "I'm the alpha". *g*

Danny and Stiles' scene in the locker room was pure gold and I agree with everyone else that Stiles' apparent bisexuality without anyone commenting on it is beautiful. I would also like to mention that Dylan does unimpressed really well.

Slomo running abuse continues. Jeff is to slow motion what JJ Abrams is to lens flare.

Pull-ups are apparently a Hale family thing. I have to say, so far I've been really disappointed with Cora's character. I was hoping for a tender reunion and expecting at least an emotional scene of some kind but so far there has been basically nothing.


Deucalion is sheer awesome, most of the time. I really, really want him to have a snark-off with Peter soon. But what in the everloving hell was the demon dog scene? O_o When he started going off the rails (dramatic thunder!), I thought he doing doing it for the effect or to mock something but was it actually meant to be taken seriously?? Also, how come blindness doesn't heal? Is it some sort of decay vs. injury thing?

AND THEN DEREK THREW ISAAC OUT! I want to smack Jeff Davis. Hard.

Random squee:

Finstock! Allison and Isaac! Stiles and Lydia! Blatant Dropbox product placement!

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teen wolf, tv

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