and the money keeps rolling in

Jun 23, 2013 15:42

I can't believe I forgot to post my good news! I blame visitors and post-Teen Wolf trauma.

My job has been made permanent. \o/

When I started in my job, it was supposed to be a one-year contract to cover for their HR assistant's maternity leave. There was never anything official said about my staying beyond that, because the original HR assistant has a legal right to return to her job, but in the last few months my boss has been letting me in on a whole lot of confidential stuff, I've been given a small raise, and they even paid for my CIPD membership (it's an HR professionals' association).

And my boss flat-out told me that I've been doing a great job and she would like keep me on. But because there isn't really enough work for two assistants, they had to wait for the original one to let them know whether she would be returning to work. With N's notice period coming up in a few weeks and no word about my future at the company, you can imagine I've been more than a little anxious about the future.

But then, a week ago on Friday, my boss pulled me aside just as I was heading home, and told me that they wanted to make me a job offer, regardless or whether the original HR assistant would come back or not.

I signed the new contract on Tuesday morning, and in the afternoon my boss told me that the original HR assistant would not be returning from her maternity leave.

I am so very relieved.

Originally posted at Dreamwidth. You can also comment there using OpenID.

london, work

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