Teen Wolf 3.03

Jun 19, 2013 21:35

So there were some noises about me not doing this but, yeah.

Fireflies )

teen wolf, tv

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spikedluv June 20 2013, 10:32:25 UTC
Are they going to imply Lydia has a pill problem now?

I'm going to guess that Lydia has been self-medicating against the visions or premonitions she's been having.

I died when Derek was holding Erica's body. His woobie face!

I also wondered what was going on with all these people finding out about, if not werewolves specifically, scary monsters with claws and fangs and glowing eyes.

Also, Scott is sneaky and awesome thinking on his feet. I hate, HATE fics that depict Scott as dumb. He may not be booksmart but he's plenty smart in many other ways.

I always thought that Scott was sort of dumb, based on his actions in seasons 1&2. It wasn't until I read meta that suggested that Scott was smart, and we were merely seeing the effects of the change on him, with being distracted by ~everything, and not being able to study, and having such a deep fascination with Allison immediately, etc, that I was like, ahhh, that's what the writers were trying to do. I say 'trying' because they clearly didn't succeed, given the number of people in the fandom who do think that Scott is dumb. It hurt that we didn't get to know pre-bite Scott at all.

Allison was ~awesome in this ep!

Derek so calmly say that maybe they needed to kill Cora and Boyd only emphasizes the fact that he feels like his life is fucked and he shouldn't have nice things, imo. It's like he's ~resigned to his awful fate of being alone forever.

Why can't Derek just do an alpha roar and make Boyd and Cora submit? The whole moon-deprivation thing is that strong? Or is the alpha roar strictly a fanon thing?

Not just a fanon thing -- the episode when Isaac was going to attack Stiles when they were breaking him out of jail, Derek roars, Isaac submits, Stiles asks how he did that, Derek says, I'm the Alpha -- so the moon deprivation must be just that strong. Also, if it wasn't that strong, Peter wouldn't have been that worried about it.

Haha, I said the same thing about the teacher just calmly taking Derek's hand!


ambersnake June 24 2013, 22:35:46 UTC
Don't get me wrong, Scott acts plenty dumb in the sense that he's only thinking about himself and unwilling to see other perspectives. Then again - a teenager. But he's good at people when he needs to be (showing Chris a human body), he can improvise (that loudspeaker announcement about Allison's car when Peter was harassing her at Macy's) and they even hint that he wasn't that bad at school before the whole werewolf deal (the teacher's "not like you" comment on his test paper). But I agree with you that they should've the effect of the bite much more obvious.

Hee, I saw your post about the teacher the next day after I'd posted mine. Seems like everyone is wondering at the same thing (mainly, 'what the hell??).


spikedluv June 25 2013, 13:48:18 UTC
they even hint that he wasn't that bad at school before the whole werewolf deal (the teacher's "not like you" comment on his test paper

That's exactly what I was talking about when I said the writers "tried" to show us that Scott was smart before he was bitten. Unfortunately, on my tv I couldn't even read the words on the paper other than the grade, so the point was lost on me. Also, that's really all they gave us for Scott having been a good student before then, except for Stiles' comment they he was a nerd by association with Scott, which I took to be sarcasm, because of the two, Stiles seemed more nerdy to me.

I also get that they've made Scott the "heart" of the show, but that doesn't preclude him from making some Very Bad (imo) Decisions, and those built up faster than any indication the writers tried to give us that Scott wasn't actually as dumb as he was acting.

So, while I've got a better understanding of s1&2 Scott now (no thanks to the writers, but due to meta from people who saw things I didn't), I still think he makes bad decisions almost as often as Derek does. *g*


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