i'm about fast cars and alize

May 19, 2013 21:44

I've been a very lazy journaler lately. Again I almost went to bed to read smut instead of posting but I wanted to document my birthday.

The actual day itself was nothing big. I went to work, got a phone call from my dad and facebook messages from friends and family.

However, on Saturday, as per our tradition, N took me out to eat. When it comes to my birthday dinner, I have three conditions: it has to be a nice restaurant, they must serve killer steaks, and it has to be a surprise.

This year N took me to Goodman in Mayfair that filled all these conditions marvellously, and we could barely move afterwards. So we took our sweet time walking along Regent Street to the cinema. We'd both completely forgotten how nice Regent Street can be when you're not in a hurry anywhere and you don't end up frothing at the mouth at all the tourists that block it like they've never seen a city before.

We made out way to West End, where N had booked us tickets to go see Fast & Furious 6. I was very fortunate that the movie came out when it did, because there's no way in hell N would've come to see it with me if it wasn't for my birthday :P

I had a pretty good idea of what to expect, and I wasn't disappointed. I enjoyed myself all the way to the end, until they hit the final action scene that was way too long and took place on an apparently 100 km long runway, seeing how it took them 15 minutes to reach the end while the airplane was taking off...

I was also kind of sad that the focus seems to have switched to Hobbs and Dom, but I suppose there isn't much tension between Dom and Brian anymore.

I totally called the lady cop being evil but I'm pretty sure everyone else did, too. It was brilliant to see so much footage of London and actually recognising places outside the tourist brochures. And the locals had a great time with all the jabs at the British.

Jason Statham joining the franchise came as a complete surprise, and I'm already looking forward to the next instalment.

Originally posted at Dreamwidth. You can also comment there using OpenID.

out, films, birthday

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