(no subject)

Jan 14, 2012 10:25

Everyone's been doing this, so of course I had see what I'd get, too. I wasn't going to actually post it, considering the first book in my range was in Finnish, but after reading the sentence I just have to:

Pick up the nearest book to you. Turn to page 45.
The first sentence describes your sex life in 2012.

And mine is: Nuoret herrat Sulkovski ja von Saldern kumarsivat tyylikkäästi ilmaisten ilonsa, jota he eivät varmasti kummemmin tunteneet tavatessaan kaksi yhdentekevää naisihmistä.

Roughly translated: Young masters Sulkovski and von Saldern bowed elegantly expressing their joy they surely didn't much feel over meeting two insignificant women.

I cannot wait for 2012 to really get going.

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random, languages, memes

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