you make me wanna listen to music again

Nov 14, 2010 12:38

Happier Adam-related post this time.

The gig was at Kaapelitehdas a week ago on Saturday (I know - slow poster is slow).

The doors opened at six and N thought I was crazy getting there that early but I wanted to make sure I wouldn't be the last in line. Unfortunately everyone else had had the same idea; the queue went almost around the entire building, which was quite the feat considering the 53 000 square metres (540 000 square feet) the old factory takes up (okay, it's in several floors, but you get the idea - it's a big building!)

Earlier the day Tommy had tweeted that it was really cold in Finland and I scoffed at that because it's been unseasonably warm for the past month, but after an hour and fifteen minutes in 0 C (32 F) temperature, I was ready to heartily agree with him! And I was even dressed properly, in my winter coat and jeans, whereas some of the ladies wore skirts that barely covered their privates.

While waiting to be let in, I observed that there was something else happening else in the building, apparently some improvisational theatre. It was rather amusing to be standing in one line with people dressed as one might expect from Adam's fans, and watch the fine ladies and gentlemen in their furs and white scarves eyeing us and clearly wondering if they had the right address :P We were also passed by a huge Ford Excursion limousine a couple of times. Damn that thing was big.

When I got closer to the entrance, I started noticing signs that people had camped out there the night before. Considering the current temperature and the fact that Kaapelitehdas stands right on the edge of the sea, I cannot even imagine what spending the night there must have been like.

After finally gaining admittance, I rushed as close to the stage I could get, which wasn't all that close. The room we were in can house up to 3000 people, and most of them seemed to be ahead of me. I ended up some thirty metres from the stage, which wasn't bad, considering.

We stood there for almost an hour waiting for the warm-up band, which turned out to be some Finnish group I'd never heard of. They played inoffensive pop rock that I tried to listed to to distract myself from my already-aching feet and back, but they weren't able to hold my attention for long. When they finished, it was another forty-five minutes of mind-numbing boredom, before something finally started happening on the stage.

They played music in the meantime, Queen, Madonna, stuff like that. Ke$ha's Take It Off got people into the groove and by Lady Gaga's Bad Romance the entire club was singing along. When the music cut off, the audience went crazy; they screamed when lights flashed and they screamed when the curtains moved. Whatever happened, they screamed. When Adam finally appeared and launched straight into Voodoo, I could barely recognise the song under the cacophony :P Video of the beginning.

And oh, how he was gorgeous. Dressed in that suit and the top hat, he looked magnificent, even if I only saw him between people's heads and hands. Everyone was totally into the music, bouncing and singing along. At times I wished they wouldn't have been quite as enthusiastic in the singing, because they almost drowned out Adam and hearing him sing was pretty much the point. Still, can't begrudge anyone having a good good time :) I hope they felt it there on the stage as well.

Adam did the set list but only gave us Mad World for encore :( People were really disappointed by I think he was probably frustrated with the sound. As I've mentioned before, the acoustics in Kaapelitehdas are far from ideal and apparently the mixer was totally off his game, because my iPod earphones have better bass, for Christ's sake. In between songs Adam popped off to the sidelines to talk to someone a couple of times, so I wouldn't be too surprised if he was complaining about the sound.

We also missed out on Tommy-kissage because (as I learned after the show) Adam was suffering from a cold and obviously didn't want to inflict that on Tommy, too (you could also tell just from he voice that he wasn't completely well). You can see/hear the confused silence in this videoTo compensate, he gave us plenty of touching ^^ Sometimes I wonder how the hell Tommy can play with Adam all over him. Must be all that practise...

After we'd finally given up on the chance of getting another encore, people started drifting toward the doors. I ran into an old school friend of mine, who'd been into the meet and greet before the gig and gotten an autograph (Neil tweeted about it). She'd also been on the front row, and on top of having enjoyed the music like it was supposed to heard, she also had awesome picture from up close. And she's going to see three Adam's gigs in Germany and two in Britain! I am so jealous.

It took me an hour to get out of the club O_o In case of fire, don't be in Kaapelitehdas... After five and a half hours on my feet, my lower back was absolutely killing me, and I don't think I've ever been happier to see N's car than after I was at long last released from the club.

Man, I hope Adam will come back to Finland at some point and maybe even perform in a better venue. At least Tommy is looking forward to another visit ;)

A couple of more decent videos without too many hands in the way:
Whataya Want from Me
If I Had You

Originally posted at Dreamwidth. You can also comment there using OpenID.

adam, events, music

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