Mar 02, 2003 18:52
Too bad I wasn't feeling "hella good" last night, I might've had a lot more fun that I did. So I went to a club last night, but not just ANY club, a Macon, GA club. The name of the club is called "Whiskey River". Nuff said. I try not to get out on the club scene unlike a lot of people because its just too repetitive. As much as you go to a club, you will NEVER meet Mr. Right. Instead, you will get hit on by a bunch of sleezy drunk guys that see you a peice of meat, that have cheesy lines like "Hey baby, why are you sitting there by yourself?" To that I so professionally respond "I'm sitting hear by myself waiting on some drunk loser to come and hit on me with some lame ass line to get me to come home with him tonight" or "I'm not sitting by myself, I'm sitting with my friend Bob...Say hello to my friend Bob (pointing to empty chair)" Those usually work, but sometimes you run into some real loons.
Anyway, yeah, we are at Whiskey River, and its me, Christy, Heather, and my hairdresser/friend Angie. This was all Heather's idea "Oh yeah, it may sounds like a hick place, but really alot of kewl people go, it'll be fun!!" The only thing that really lured me in was when she said my ex-boyfriend Tommy was going to be there. Tommy plays minor league baseball Baltimore Orioles (sp?), and we dated for a few months last year. We stopped dating because he had left last March for training and season in Florida, and he wouldn't be back till August, and we'd hardly ever talk and never see eachother UNTIL March. He tried to keep in touch with me, he was even going to buy me plane tickets to come see him. It was mostly me. I didn't want to be in a long distance relationship because I know how much they suck and I just didn't want to deal with it. So I blew him off, and stopped calling him, screening his phone calls until finally, he stopped calling. I'm so bad about that! I couldn't just say "Hey dude, this just isn't working out". How fucking lame I am! Sheesh Amber! Grow some balls!! I mean, I did like him, but I guess it was just part of my imaturity and "party nature" that was in my system at the time that kept me from wanting to get so close to him. Tommy really is a great guy, maybe too great that it scares me. He is seriously a guy you could marry. Very family oriented and a true gentleman. He treated me with so much respect I felt like I should be a princess. And I blew that guy off. So now, moving along, we're at the club, and Tommy finally arives. He looks the same, big muscles, sandy blonde spikey hair, big blue eyes and the sweetest smile. He's the full package, I'm telling you, he even bought 2 311 cd's (blue album and From Chaos)because I told him they were my favorite band...SCORE!! So we go through the whole 'I'm sorry I never called you, its just the distance...yadda yadda yadda..' and he is still, just as sweet as the day I met him. No hard feelings, he was totally kewl about the whole thing. That really impressed me! He could've been an ass and totally ignored me for what I had done to him and hang all over some slutty girls, but no, instead, he sat down with me and had a 2 hour discussion about what is going on in eachother's lives. He was thrilled about me making my demo cd (which I should be making the end of March), and yeah, his is going good. We talked of past people we have dated (Sam, Terry, and ummm, that dude I met in PCB spring break). Okay so anyway, the whole night went great with he and I, and we had left with a bunch of hugs, and a bunch of "I'll miss you" and then one "I'm leaving again in 2 days to go back to training and season". *tear* So he's leaving again, but maybe when he returns in August we'll actually find eachother and spend the next 6 months with eachother and go from the minor leagues to the major leagues (no pun intended).