Hello Ladies and Gents!
February is already off and running, And I haven't been able to sit down and shoot you my
Events! I better hurry before this short month runs it's BitterSweet course. Luckily we have
one more day, this month because its Leap Year!!!
I have a Lil' touring planned, too!
I am working on a new act for Weimar NY...If you want to know what show I am talking
about, Please see the trailer...I' m in it!
http://www.therehab .com/virgin/ Weimar_SFMOMA. mov
Later this Month, Muffin and I venture west to LA for a trip of FUN, FROLICS, Photo
SHOOTS, Shows and Reunions!
2008 certainly has incredible things in store, and we are working hard to deliver our
creations to you.
Please Stay tuned, We hope to see you soon!
1. Wednesday 2/6 Sloppy Seconds @ The Slipperroom (LES NYC)
2. Thursday 2/7 Starshine Burlesque @ RIFIFI (EV NYC)
3. Wednesday 2/13 Kiss & Tell @ Rose Live Music (BillyBurg Brooklyn)
4. Saturday 2/16 Mr Choad's @ Slipperroom (LES NYC)
5. Monday 2/25 Monday Night Burlesque @ 3 of Clubs (Hollywood CA)
6. Thursday 2/28 Club Schmutzig @ El Cid (Sliverlake LA, CA)
****1. Wednesday 2/6 Sloppy Seconds @ The Slipperroom (LES NYC)****
More burlesque and rock-and-roll to chase away the mid-week blues. All your favorites,
more intimate and local crowd. Doors 8pm, cover, $5. Hosted by the inimitable Mel Frye,
with DJ and one-woman peanut gallery, Camille.
Mini Tonka, Creamy Stevens and Amber Ray.
167 Orchard and Enter on Stanton
www.slipperroom. com
****2. Thursday 2/7 Starshine Burlesque @ RIFIFI (EV NYC)****
Starshine Burlesque takes it off every Thursday night at Rififi. Enjoy a cocktail before the
show show as go-go sensations bump and grind to the irresistible sounds sounds of the
turntable. On stage, in the Backroom Starshine turns up the heat with a variety show of
eye-popping striptease, magic, and vaudevillian antics. A different show every week...
of comedy, music, dance and good old fashioned burly-Q!
GOGO will rev your engine before the show even starts!
Sexy Gatekeepe : Pop Pistol
womans the door and manhandles you
Adorable Stage Kitten: Misty Rivers
Plier of Potables: Lindsey
Master of Light and Sound : Antonio
RiFiFi (Cinema Classics)
332 East 11th Street at 1st Avenue
Every Thursday- 10:15ish pm $10
Limited advanced seating will be available for the public on a first-come, first-served
Doors will open for advanced seating at 10:15ish pm tickets are $15.00
$10 General admission will seat shortly after.
Two for $15! Thats right! $10 per person, two for $15
Make a friend, buy a stranger a beer and enjoy the show!
http://starshinebur lesque.com/
A special Amber Ray Note:
When I perform at Starshine, I always bring my flowers!
If you want a preview of the invantory...
www.amberray. etsy.com
****3. Wednesday 2/13 Kiss & Tell @ Rose Live Music (BillyBurg Brooklyn)*** *
Luring disco dollies to a life of vice!
February 13th
Rose Bar 7pm-1am
Kiss& Tell Presents Love Stinks
djs, burlesque, and comedy
Brokenhearts unite, as we play anti-love songs all nite long!
Bring a photo of your ex for the communal pinata!
+ Burlesque by Amber Ray (www.amberray. net)
+ GUEST DJ Sam Valenti IV (Ghostly & Spectral)
+ Hostesses Seze & Deanna play a soundtrack of heartbreak.
@ Rose Bar in Williamsburg
345 Grand St Brooklyn, NYC
Between Marcy and Havemeyer
L to Bedford or Lorimer
or G to Metropolitan
or J train to Marcy
http://www.myspace. com/kissandtellp arties
Happy Hour Drink Specials till 9pm
$5 Yummy Pasta Dinners all night long!
http://img.photobuc ket.com/albums/ v695/femmechatte /kiss26tell- 0807.jpg
****4. Saturday 2/16 Mr Choad's @ Slipperroom (LES NYC)****
Mr. Choade's Upstairs/Downstairs
NYC's Longest Running Burlesque Show. Doors at 8, show at 10:30. $5 cover.
Scotty the Blue Bunny hosts, with Miss Julie Atlas Muz, Legs Malone, Gal Friday, Heidi Von
Haupt and Amber Ray
167 Orchard and Enter on Stanton
www.slipperroom. com
****5. Monday 2/25 Monday Night Burlesque @ 3 of Clubs (Hollywood CA)****
http://www.myspace. com/mondaynightt ease
Monday Night Tease! is LA's longest running weekly burlesque show.
The show's cast rotates weekly with beautiful burlesque performers, a charming chanteuse
or two, a captivating crooner, prestidigitation, juggling, live bands and more.
doors 9:30 show at 10pm Sharp!
1123 Vine (Vine at Santa Monica) Look for the white neon "Cocktails" sign.
Hollywood, CA 90038
Produced by Scarlett Letter and Lili VonSchtupp.
****6. Thursday 2/28 Club Schmutzig @ El Cid (Sliverlake LA, CA)****
A new show featuring the debauched delacacies of a by-gone era...
(It's German for `Dirty'…)
a dark, dirty den of bygone debauchery
Weimar Berlin
Victorian Gothic
Grand Guingol
Hollywood Glamour and Scandal
Dadaism, Surrealism
Algonquin Wit
The last Thursday of the month at El Cid
4212 Sunset Blvd. in Silverlake
dancing with DJ Algonquin
show at 10pm
with your hostesses
the short, the sweet, the reet and petite
Penny Starr, Jr.
and the bella catante
Christine Nelson
$12 cover
$10 if you are dressed to the nines
www.elcidla. com
http://www.myspace. com/dirtyschmutz ig
fops, flappers, dandies, b-girls, starlets, gunsels, bootleggers, taxi dancers, gold diggers,
impresarios, hoofers, Sheiks and Shebas, old money and nouveau riche