Apr 08, 2006 22:54
I hate feeling that as a women I am almost defenseless in some cases.I guess this all leads to my frustrations of feeling like I need a man to accomplish the certain things in my life. I am very independent. I love being up here away from all that is comfortable and familiar to me because it is a challenge. I hate that I am trying to fix things around the house and I don't know how so my roommate calls her guy friends over to help. I asked for a tool kit and power tools for my birthday and I can't wait! The agreement is that he hangs up our stuff and fixes it and we cook him dinner. I appreciate it but how cliche' you know? Tonight our street flooded and I had to move my car. The water was up to my knees and almost half way up my car. I was never taught how to do a lot if things that some might call "a man's job" and I wish I could do them. I hated that I didn't know what to do to my car. I didn't know how to drive it in the water and I have never been so scared in my life. The guys in the apartments across the street loved every bit of it. They recorded it on their cameras and laughed the whole time. Thanks guys! I finally made it out and I had to park really far from my house and walk after I vacuumed out my car. I was scared walking home downtown in dark allies. It sounds like a movie but that's how it is. Hopefully I won't get a ticket or towed but you know my luck...don't take me to Vegas. "I gotta go, he's...he's early with the cue".