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Cable Network Denies Spy Reports Larry Simons
Prison Planet.comFriday, July 24, 2009
Cable TV Workers Trained To Spy On Citizens Bright House Networks employees will watch for “suspicious behavior,” which according to law enforcement and DHS guidelines includes being politically active, displaying bumper stickers, or disagreeing with the government.
I wanted to see how widespread this was, so I called the Bakersfield, CA office and spoke with a supervisor. After I asked her if Bright House’s employees were being trained to spy on its employees, the woman said, “No, that’s not true, what article was this?” Here are portions of the rest of our chat:
ME: So you’ve never heard of Operation Bright Eyes?
SUPERVISOR: Operation Bright Eyes, yes, but that’s not to spy on people
ME: Well, it sounds like it’s a program where the employees that go into homes are going to do the work of cops
SUPERVISOR: No, we wouldn’t do that because we wouldn’t put our employees in jeopardy as far as safety. It’s more for them to be aware of their surroundings and you know, basically, what is going on, not to put themselves in jeopardy or danger
ME: Well, the article that I’m reading right in front of me says….
SUPERVISOR: How old is this article?
ME: Hold on, it’s from….
SUPERVISOR: Well, see, we don’t have that program here in Bakersfield. Are you calling from Bakersfield?
ME: No, I’m calling from Maryland. I’m reading an article from an Orlando FOX affiliate website
SUPERVISOR: Yeah, we’re a smaller system out in Bakersfield, CA. The Orlando system is a huge system
ME: You’ve heard of Operation Bright Eyes, so you’re…familiar with it
SUPERVISOR: I’ve heard of it, yes, I’ve heard of it. In fact, if you go to, um, if you go on the Internet you can Google Operation Bright Eyes and there’s all kinds of articles that come up from Bright House that will tell you about it
ME: But what you said about it is not what’s in this article. It doesn’t talk about ‘for their safety’, it says “to easily identify suspicious behavior and to quickly report criminal activities to police.” It sounds like spying to me
SUPERVISOR: Well, if you’d like to speak to someone at the Orlando division, that’s your interpretation of spying. It’s not spying. And I really don’t feel at liberty to comment on it since we don’t have that program here in Bakersfield……it’s more that they’re lending a hand in law enforcement
ME: I didn’t know that was the job of cable TV people
SUPERVISOR: Well, it’s like I said, if you’d like to speak to someone at the Orlando division, you’re more than welcome to but I don’t have any comment
And that concluded our chat. What struck me as odd was that she knew about Operation Bright Eyes, but then gave the incorrect information on what it is. Also, why would she have heard of it if their office doesn’t participate in that program?
Then, when I told her that the OBE program was for the purpose of reporting suspicious behavior and criminal activity to the police, she said it wasn’t spying and it was “my interpretation?” What is spying if that isn’t it?
According to, the definitions of spying is “One who secretly keeps watch on another or others”, “To discover by close observation”, “To seek or observe something secretly and closely” and “To make a careful investigation”. That is exactly the objective of Operation Bright Eyes, the one she even admitted to me when she said, “it’s more that they’re lending a hand in law enforcement”.
Besides, if her definition [of OBE] is true, that it’s for their employees to “be aware of their surroundings and you know, basically, what is going on“, wouldn’t they do that anyway?
The most glaring contradiction on her part was her first telling me, “No, we wouldn’t do that [have their employees do the work of cops] because we wouldn’t put our employees in jeopardy as far as safety”, and then telling me, “…it’s more that they’re lending a hand in law enforcement”. Well, which is it? Are they not doing the dangerous work of the police or are they lending a hand to the police?
They can’t both be true.