Virginia State Police Designate Anti-NWO Opinion as Domestic Terrorism

Jun 29, 2009 14:26

Another document designating Americans as terrorists has surfaced. The document, entitled “Crisis Controlled: Assessing Potential Threats of Violence,” authored by Trooper John R. Wright, is posted on the official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia, under the Department of Human Resources Management

Presented in slideshow format, the latest document lists gun rights, pro-life, constitutional issues, tax protesters, and “anti-government groups” as domestic terror threats. Anarchists, separatists, “single issue,” and religious cults are listed along with al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hizballah, al-Jihad, Aryan Nations, neo-Nazi, skinheads, black separatists, and the Klu Klux Klan.

Wright urges citizens to actively become snoops and instructs them to consider innocuous behavior as suspected terrorist activity. People who avoid community contact and value privacy are to be considered possible terrorists, as well as those who make “unusual purchases” or have “numerous visitors/meetings.”

Remember when I posted the article about the pastor that couldn't hold Bible study in his house?

Wright’s slideshow provides the following as an example of a terrorist lead:

“I saw a white male, about 6 ft tall wearing black combat pants, a black t-shirt, and boots with the pants tucked in, taking notes for at least 2 hours outside the front entrance to the Courthouse. He was standing near a brown Ford pick-up truck, PA SYE-141, with a rusting tailgate and a bumper sticker that said, “Say No to the New World Order”.

america, nwo

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