the survey that ben had

Nov 22, 2002 23:47

[ Last Time ]

Really Smiled : earlier today, likely while chatting with chris.
Laughed : when i was talking to my room mate a while ago.
Cried : a few days ago while talking to my mom.
Bought something : CDS!!!!! a little earlier this week.
Danced : i dont really know how to dance. im more of a singer and a foot tapper.
Were sarcastic : within the hour im sure
Kissed someone : :(
Watched your favorite movie : over a month ago. i miss fight club.
Had a nightmare : earlier this week
Were lulled to sleep by the thought of someone : earlier this week.

[ A Last time for everything.. ]

Last book you read : god i haven't read a book in so long.
Last song you heard: neil diamond - "sweet caroline"
Last thing you had to drink : water
Last time you showered : yesterday morning
Last thing you ate : rice

[ Fashion ]

1. Do you wear a watch : nah
2. How many coats and jackets : do i own? a couple.
4. Most expensive item of clothing : i have no idea. it would probably be my shoes i guess, but even they werent THAT expensive.
5. What kind of shoes do you wear : i have a couple different kinds.

[ Friends ]

1. Do your friends 'know' you : one of them does
2. What do they tend to be like : ?? my friends? i have no idea.
3. Are there traits in you that are universally liked : i dont really know. maybe i dont have any.
4. are there people that you tell everything to: jen knows almost everything. almost.

[ Other ]

1. Favorite band ever: soooo many. probably jets to brazil?
2. Most listened to bands : jets to brazil, jawbreaker, the muffs, screaching weasel (currently)
3. Do you find any musicians good-looking : chris schuman and mitch clem.
4. Can you play an instrument : a lot of them, but primarily the trumpet
5. Type of music listened to : i listen to a pretty wide range of music, but lately its been a lot of punk i guess.
6. Type never listened to : country

[ Religion ]

1. Do you detest religion : not at all
2. How do you think this universe was formed : i dont really have an opinion on that.
3. If you currently follow a religion, do you think people who belong to another religion are ignorant: im not religious, but i think some people that follow some religions are pretty ignorant. i dont know.

[ Homosexuality ]

1. What is the first thing you think when you see two gay guys or lesbians holding hands : i dont really think much of it i guess.
2. do you agree or disagree with gay or lesbian couples bringing up children : i dont like kids, but i agree with it just as much as i would with a straight couple bringing up kids.

[ General Questions ]

1. Whom do you believe is the smartest man alive at the moment: i dont know.
2. What do you prefer, a sunny or rainy day : rainy. it sounds pretty.
3. Do you consider yourself lucky : sometimes
4. Do you feel pity for people who commit suicide : a little
5. Choose one word to describe how you feel most often : stupid

[ Stuff ]

1. Do you own any plaid clothing : no
2. Do you own Converse shoes : i want some
3. Do you own Saucony shoes : no
4. Do you own old school Nikes : no
5. Do you wear tight pants : nope
6. Is there more than one zipper in your pants : right now im wearing drawstring sweats.
7. Do you own a messenger bag : yes
8. Do you wear your messenger bag across your chest :no
9. Do you own braces : no
10. Are braces worn anywhere besides the mouth : i dont even get it.
11. Do you have short, shaggy hair : i guess for a chick i do.
12. Does your hairstyle exceed a height of 3 inches : no
13. Would you classify your hair as a deadly weapon : i dont think so...
14. Do you think mohawks are "neat" : kind of. sometimes (usually) theyre just stupid.
15. Is your hair black or red : bleached blonde - pink soon i think.
16. Do you have a favorite brand of hair dye : ive never really dyed my hair, but ive got a thing of pink manic panic.
17. Do you own a bandana : no
18. Do you wear plugs in your ears : no
19. Are you amused by safety pins : amused by them? what?
20. Have you ever used duct tape as a sewing substitute : yes
21. Do you own one or more objects with studs or spikes in them : nope
22. Do you own one or more articles of clothing from Dogpile, Lip Service, or Tiger of London : none of the above
23. Do you enjoy leopard print: not really

[ Habits/Beliefs ]

25. Are you disgruntled (having a general hate for everything): sort of... not everything.
26. Are you an anarchist : no
27. Does the American flag anger you : no. but all the sudden patriotism after 9/11 kinda pissed me off.
28. Are you "working class" : i dont know.
29. Do you dislike "preps" : not the whole group.
30. Do you dislike Hot Topic : they sell some okay things, but i think the ideals behind the store are kind of silly, as are a lot of the people that shop there.
31. Do you smoke cigarettes : every once in a while (as in, its been over a month).
32. Do you smoke cloves : i used to.
33. Are you a thin waif : no.
34. Are you vegan/vegetarian : yes
35. Do you think meat is murder : not really, i just prefer not to eat it.
36. Do your nighttime activites usually involve drunken underage vomiting : if by 'drunken underage vomiting' you mean sitting in front of my computer... then yes.
37. Have you ever slept in an alley or park : no, but ive slept in my car before.
38. Do you wash your hair less than once a week : not usually.
39. Have you ever gone a week without a shower : yea...
40. Have you ever been avoided due to your odor : i dont know, its not like anyone's told me that
43. Are you a member of the Makeout Club : theres a makeout club?
44. Do you say "rad" : sometimes.
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