Why waste time, onto the show. さあ行こう!
HAKUEI (singer): Good evening, I am HAKUEI.
Kiyoshi (guitarist): I am Kiyoshi, good evening.
- Far East: How was the Machine concert? What did you feel?
HAKUEI: We had a lot of technical problems, then the concert did not proceed as we would have liked, but the fans were very excited, so I am content.
Kiyoshi: The atmosphere was so excellent, I burst. I liked our performance, it would have still been the case even without these technical problems.
- Far East: Is this the beginning of a series of concerts in Europe?
HAKUEI: I have always wished to do a European tour, and this desire has intensified even more after the concert this afternoon.
- Far East: Kiyoshi, is this the first time you've come to France, and if so, what are your impressions?
Kiyoshi: Paris is really beautiful, I adore visiting.
- Far East: What did HAKUEI, on his return from JAPAN EXPO last year, say?
Kiyoshi: When he returned after the fashion show, he told me that, strangely, he did not want to give a PENICILLIN concert but a machine show.
- Far East: Why machine?
HAKUEI and Kiyoshi raise glasses: To your health!
HAKUEI: It is a kind of Japanese joke … [Editor's note: about how they break themselves onstage for drinking] Uh, why machine? I chose the music because machine is more expressive in itself. As you do not speak the same language, I thought that our state of mind in the music of machine is better suited than that PENICILLIN.
- Far East: machine… Why did you choose this name?
HAKUEI: I do remember, really. It is somewhat confused in my memory. I wanted to produce a more electronic, digital sound; which leads to the use of machinery, hence the word in English, taken as the name of the group for our concept.
- Far East: What is the news in terms of outputting CDs, concerts… whether be for machine, PENICILLIN or for other projects that concern you?
HAKUEI: I would like to make new songs under machine, but as Kiyoshi who must write music in the first, I eagerly await.
The conference continues with the questions from the audience.
Public: Good evening, we came from Russia, we express our desire to see you and we would like to invite you to a concert in our country.
HAKUEI applauds.
Kiyoshi: Thank you very much. Is it cold in Russia?
Public: It is
Kiyoshi: *laughs* So we will come. I do not like when it gets too hot.
Public: If there were to be a European tour, would you come to the south of France, as in Marseilles, even if it is hot?
HAKUEI: Is it really hot in the south of France?
Public: Noooooo!
HAKUEI: I am against, I love the heat!
Public: Ah! Yesssss! It's hot!
HAKUEI: I will try to drag Kiyoshi then, and come to the south.
Public: HAKUEI, how did you convince Kiyoshi into coming to France?
HAKUEI: *smile* I told him that French fans were so beautiful that he should at least come and see.
- Kiyoshi discretely moves his tounge to caress his lips… which does not pass unnoticed after fans…
-Far East: So Kiyoshi? What do you think ultimately of the beauty of the French fans?
Kiyoshi: I'm too gullible, but they are very beautiful. [applause]
Public: Good evening, I come from Austria and I would like to know what was your impression of one another was when at your first encounter?
HAKUEI: We worked in the same field. When the group, PENICILLIN, was formed. I loved the work of Kiyoshi and I wondered if we could work together in some way. Being rather forceful and insistent, I managed to convince him to get on the train.
Public: What are your inspirations in composing melodies and lyrics in your songs?
HAKUEI: Kiyoshi comprise the music first and then I write the lyrics from his work. Everything comes from Kiyoshi. He is our inspiration.
Public : The name 'Machine' would imply an electronic sound. Are there any singles more electro oriented to come? Another question, what does HAKUEI think about having a concert with PENICILLIN?
HAKUEI takes several seconds of reflection: What is certain is that I do not want to tour with PENICILLIN and machine simultaneously, I would be too tired [laughs].
Kiyoshi: Regarding the style of songs coming, I do not know yet.
Public: I came from Poland for machine, and my question is for Kiyoshi. Is the guitar you used today the same as the one when you played with hide and spread beaver?
Kiyoshi: Yes!
On a side, and very personal T.M.I. note, Hakuei makes me tinkle. *laughs*
Up next: More Miyavi! Also, in a few days, I should have the Silver Ash lyrics up!
I'm going in order of the list on Orient Extreme. I don't think I'll be translating bands I'm not interested in, unless someone has request, then, I'll be very very happy too! So, Request away. ^_^