Nov 15, 2006 15:57
Needs must sleep, but here's a list of notable (non?)events ongoing that Sharity Elephant* would like to... what else, share with you today:
a. For the first time in my life, I have a real need to buy furniture. Of the solid or serious kind. (Example a bed and a wardrobe, not something fluffy like a mirror or a chest of drawers for underwear and old diaries** (although these two items are in the current list as well)).
b. Was invited to a dinner of 9 last night expecting to meet a bunch of regular people (real meaning: around my age. For backgrounder refer to previous post), only to arrive at the fancy apartment of inviter-friend to find a group of total grown-ups. Two couples with their children (1 daughter each). For the dinner table planning (very serious business... What on earth was I doing at a dinner like this???!), I was sat beside someone whose car has a diplomatic license plate, and whose official title starts with "Amb". Ahem. But it all turned out good, if not extremely tiring. Felt like I was back at work. (Except: Wine and champagne significant.)
c. So teetering into bed last night with (quality) spirits circulating in my bloodstream I sent a message I shouldn't have. Received the reply early this morning, and then: ten minutes of mind-racing/half-angry-half-laughable space-staring stupor turning into a major tearing exercise, all taking place while I'm on the SMRT, for fuck's sakes. When will I learn not to show my emotional unwellness in public, in broad daylight? Not anytime soon, carrot. Mental note: gotta zip the ipod, with its sorry bunch of sad songs (that I chose my-bloody-self, eep).
d. Busybee at work despite B-man's absence (which ends today, he returns to office tomorrow, woe is me). Still feeling lost in the working-person desert, but finally feels like I'm coming along into some real content with the upcoming [can't disclose here for professional limitations]. Challenging but good. Thank you, whoever.
*Speaking of which, is Sharity still alive? Who knows what goes on in primary schools nowadays, besides enforced creativity.
**There is no connection between underwear and diaries just because they're in the same location.