I'm brain dead today, after a dinner of two cheeses followed (consequently?) by bad sleep. Reblochon and Mondor, which weighed down on my stomach through the night, were eventually digested, fed fattily into my bloodstream and right now, clogging up my neural system. I can't feel anything. Feels like I'd need mild electric shocks to be a fully functional human being today. Right now I'm more like a squashed potato.
Or more sleep. But it's only 1014am, goodness gracious me. How am I going to kill the day? Plus it's a Friday!
All right, enough of wailing already. I'm going to run down to the nearest caffeine fountain and douse myself with its enlivening energies.
* * * *
A coke and a char siew pau later.
The coke's still taking its time. Very soon I will be alive again, and ready to receive any incoming mail from YOU, PEOPLE, whom I've written to the past week! RESPOND! Give me a stage!
Today's the last day I have my temp job. I'm thinking that in the meantime, before I actually get positive responses from those B. chiefs and whatnots, that I'll get a part-time job at a budget hotel, like you
mlle_la_di_da, so that I can still be rolling in the mini-money while I sit on my hardy ass writing more and more applications that will be subject to more and more variations of "Sorry, we already have our (examplejob), thank you for writing!" and receiving them with mounting levels of detachment/relief that I won't actually have to,god-forbid, face them in a mind-wrenching interview.
I'm still feeling incredulous that in the future I will have to participate in the real world. If/When one day I get a real job in the corporate... planet. How does it all work?
I wonder if my job definitions are too narrow. Tell me what else I can do besides journalism.
PLEASE leave me a comment!