Jul 20, 2005 20:08
So I am sitting here eating ice cream...just had a bottled "fuzzy navel" which doesn't really have much booze in it, but probably a ton of carbs and calories. Some supper I am having...just played tennis in the heat and didn't feel like real food. Could not bring myself to care about winning, so of course lost...close match but still...my shoulder hurts and so my feet won't move (what are they, joined ???) If the darn feet would get me in position, I wouldn't hurt my shoulder trying to hit....
I am sticky dirty...will take a bath soon. We looked at two kayaks today, for sale in a parking lot. Nice, really...and cheaper than new...just don't think we are ready to spend 2,000 bucks on that sort of thing. I think if we had them, we'd use them, but who knows...we haven't arranged a kayak trip yet this summer. Too much stupid tennis.
My elbows keep breaking out. So weird...like spider bites or lumpy rash or something. First it was on one side, and now bad on the other. I am at the point with my ice cream one just feels ya might as well finish it off...I really have been bad...bad girl!