Heh. The title is from Jacob's recap of the last ep of True Blood and, really, as there ever been a better description of Sookie Stackhouse ever? I think not.
So, I've seen a fair amount of complaints regarding how out of character Eric has been in the first two eps but I am not sure that is the case. I mean, it's been like a WEEK since the most important thing in his life for the last ONE THOUSAND years died and his boss is kind of an insane bitch and now he has a freaky blood bond with an overly-emotional dumbass whose boyfriend has just been kidnapped. I don't care how old he is, that has got to be stressful!
Plus, it was kind of Godric's last wish that Eric try to hold on to some of his humanity and not be such a cold vampire jerkface all the time? IDK. That could be part of it.
No matter how much I HATE HATE HATE it, he obviously has some sort of feelings for Sookie and while he enjoyed manipulating her to get a rise out of Bill, he's not dumb enough to continue on that track if he ever wants to actually win her over. I think it's a combination of him actually being a little vulnerable because of Godric's death and understanding that if he doesn't show her that he is capable of it, he's never going to get anywhere. Plus, no one plays wounded badass woobie like ASkars, okay? It's his specialty.
Also, I think the show has HORRIBLE pacing. Maybe it's because I ONLY CARE ABOUT ERIC, PAM, JESSICA (and HOYT!!) AND LAFAYETTE? Okay, maybe I care a little bit about the King of Mississippi's manservant too. Because he is awesome! And Terry! I was remarking last night that I wish I had waited to watch The Vampire Diaries because it has spoiled me for, oh, I dunno, KNOWING WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON OCCASIONALLY instead of boring me to death about shit I don't care about? They have twice as many episodes yet somehow still have enough going on to do some actual interesting reveals on a regular basis. I just don't feel like TB is really giving me that pay off. I don't know, it could be because the time is so compressed. It's been two seasons and really only about two months have passed, at the most. It's a bit like 24. The audience feels like a year has passed, while the characters are still having breakfast or whatever. It's weird.
Because of the fast-yet-somehow-incredibly-slow pace of the show, they don't really have the space to have Eric sloooooowly reveal that he has these other sides to him because the season is over in about 10 Bon Temps days. I'd be season 37 before we saw any of that if they went with a timeline that made sense. So, whatever, keep letting ASkars talk dirty and be vulnerable. That's all I really care about anyway.
Other thoughts on last night:
- NAZI! WEREWOLVES!!!!! And POCKET VAMPIRE MAKER PAAAAAAAANTS! Oh, Godric, you have been missed. The first time through, I was very disappointed at how little we actually saw of him. But on rewatch two and three (WHATEVER HBO REAIRS THEM TWICE AND I MUTE THE REWATCHINGS AND ONLY UNMUTE FOR ERIC SCENES! DO NOT JUDGE MEEEE!), I felt a little better because what we got of him was awesome. I do agree that the writers sometimes forget that Godric and Eric have probably had all these conversations already so it seems kind of redundant for Godric to lecture him about basica vampire shit after 999 years but whatever. I like his wee self talking about being in control and masterly and stuff. NNNNGH! I would like Godric flashbacks in EVER EPISODE please and thank you.
- Sam, you are adorable, but I just don't give a fuck about you and your family at all. Please go back to having sex dreams about Bill, as they are the only times I find him even remotely interesting.
- How hot is Jesus? VERY VERY HOT! I loved him on Ugly Betty and I look forward to seeing him shirtless soon.
- Speaking of, I love how every new species they introduce is required not have any clothes on. I am not sure why any of them get dressed at all, as they will end up naked at some point.
- Cooter? HIS NAME IS COOTER? Okay, I admit, I found Bill kind of funny in that scene. Also funny? When he set Lorena on FIRE! I am sure she will survive because this show hates me but it was a brief moment of awesomeness that I will cherish.
- MORE PAM AND JESSICA PLEASE! Jacob talks about how Jessica's story is basically about how abstinence education NEVER EVER WORKS! If Bill had just explained to her about the birds and the bees of feeding on people, she would not be in this mess. But because he hates himself and his desires so much, he barfed his issues all over her and instead of being a good maker and giving her the what-what, he just told her to suppress her VERY NATURE and then gave her no way to cope with that. I hope Pam takes Jessica under her wing and helps her become a proper vampire. And also takes her shopping and stuff. BRAID HER HAIR, PAM! COME ON!
- Whenever I don't understand an acting choice (I am looking at YOU, ERW and AP!!), I just pretend that it's the show's meta commentary on the ridiculousness of fantasy fiction and try to leave it at that. I mean, I know that those ladies can act. I HAVE SEEN IT WITH MY OWN EYES!! In the scene on the porch, when Sookie is like "you can't just say that and leave!", AP is walking so stiff and strange! I noticed it the first time and it got progressively worse on rewatching! It's like parody soap opera acting and I DO NOT GET IT! Is she SUPPOSED to be that awkward and weird all the time?
- Another coping mechanism I have is just to pretend that Eric is talking to ME and not Sookie. Because I do not understand why he thinks she's so damn special!!!!!!!!!!! Gah. I know I have to get over this because the show is Going There and I will miss out on amazing Eric enjoyment if I cannot but. She suuuuuuuuuucks. MAKE HER STOP SUCKING!!
Huh. I had more to say than I thought! Unspoilery, if you have not watching Snoop Dogg's
Oh Sookie video, you must go do so RIGHT NOW! It is the best thing ever created in the world that is not all about ASkars.