Apr 19, 2008 13:33

I am in a really horrible place right now. If you are interested, read on. If not, move on to something else.

I am about ready to kill my mother.

Since my dad died, about a year ago, my mother has been on a spending spree. She gets about 1,200 a month in disability and windows stuff (plus food stamps), *and* my dad left her 10 grand when he died. As a woman who lives alone she doesn’t have many expenses. Yet, despite the more than adequate monthly income, AND the money my father left her, AND her food assistance, she is flat broke. Why? Because she sits in her house all day and orders clothes, jewelry, makeup, shoes and fancy little baubles from QVC. She spent everything my dad left her within 8 months of his death. A few months ago we had to move her into a shitty subsidized apartment because she had put herself into so much fucking debt with her shopping. It’s ridiculous.

So, a few days ago she tells me “put away some money for me, please? I am afraid I am going to be overdrawn on my account.” Again. WHY? Because she bought herself ANOTHER NEW PURSE (she has about 10 purses already). I went to the bank and withdrew some money. I asked if she needed it yesterday. She said no. So, this afternoon, at 1pm (a half hour before the bank closes), she calls me up and tells me I must come over right now and give her the money before the bank closes and hurry up and all that shit as I bleed and ache and snot and cough all over myself. I just lost it with her. I told her to fucking forget it. NO. NO HELP. STOP SPENDING ALL YER MONEY ON SHIT YOU DON’T NEED. I want to strangle her. I feel so, so, so sick. I feel horrible. And I am supposed to drive over to her place and give her the only money I have so she can just spend more?

I feel like a rabid animal. 
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