
Feb 27, 2008 22:24

I have about 2 hours before I go to work. I am working the night shift (Midnight to 8am) at the hospital as a PSA.

I withdrew from my C.N.A class. After my first day of clinicals I knew I was done. Even though I was so close to the end, I just could not go back there. It was such a nightmare for me. The whole thing had been a nightmare, actually. I am not someone who generally quits something, so I struggled a lot with my decision. But I think I made the right choice.

Another part of my reasoning (other than the fact that I hated the course) is that I am getting back on track with my Midwifing education. I realized I would not even use the C.N.A certification, so why torture myself, you know?

So, I am so completely excited about immersing myself back into my goals. I got so excited that I went and applied with REACHE
I was accepted to sit on the board of directors. I start in April.

In addition to this, I am taking a Lactation course at SMS in June. I figure, hey. Why not just go ahead and become an IBCLC
while I am at it? I already have the college pre-recs done. All I need is the course in June and a shit load of hours with clinical experience, which I will get though Doula-ing and Midwifing. Perfect.
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