GIP! and JL.

Nov 16, 2003 04:09

I bought the 50 icons. It was just so tempting, you know? I mean, that's really the best part about the paid account. Well, being able to do cool stuff with your journal is neat, but I'm not quite savvy enough to pull it off. Anyhow, I've been collecting and I may soon go on an icon-making binge, despite the fact that I have other things I really should be doing. Good times.

Justice League rocked tonight. Whee!! I <3 Hawkgirl. I have enough suppressed violent tendencies that I really just love her freedom in kicking butt. Erm, that sounds kind of bad. I'm not dangerous, I swear. But sometimes, you just want to take a club to whatever's annoying you, you know? ;-) Anyhow, she's just so fun. So, I have two new Hawkgirl icons.

This is the other -

"Do you ever get chafed straddling that fence all the time?" Bwa ha hahah!!
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