(no subject)

Apr 08, 2007 20:45

This is a post to say, no, this is not a dead journal, and yes, I do still read LJ Flist when I have time.  I'm pretty much completely in the SGA fandom now and have been for quite a while.  I am currently updating my Flist to reflect my reading preferences - I love good fic, squee, and art and that's probably the reason I have you friended.  It's not personal if I defriend and most of you will probably never notice whether or not I'm here.  :^)  So if you are wondering who is this oddly quiet girl who is friending you, that's what's up with that.

A lot of people I'm friending lately are people I honestly kind of thought I already had friended at some point, and whose journals I regularly stop by and read, but then I realize I'm a dork and didn't have them on my list.  So yes.  I'm also going to remove some communities so I can actually keep up with my Flist.  I am compulsive and it's all or nothing with me, so hopefully with the updates I can go back to regularly reading my journal's flist.

Not that anyone really cares, but this is mostly a post so as to not creep anyone out who thinks they have a stalker or whatever.  Sockpuppet?  Is that the new fad?  I don't know.  I try to avoid reading too much of the really crazy wankery.  It alternately baffles and scares me. 
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