All in all, Halloween rocked my socks.
The morning started off a little roughly considering Phil and I had been up until 2:30 the night before perfecting his Spongebob Squarepants costume. Phil now owns a house in Evergreen so when I got there he gave me the grand tour before we set to work. Nice digs, I must say. I had picked up some supplies, but unfortunately the store I had gone to only had 4 of the colours we needed: blue, red, yellow and green. And then it dawned on us that we didn't have glue, staples or paint brushes. Great. But as Mr. Fisher would say: Adapt and Overcome!
Phil and I had decided that he was going to be physically inside the box and that we'd cut eye holes and arm holes. So we had to figure out all the dimensions and cut all the pieces of cardboard to size which took a helluva lot longer than one would think. Since we had no glue, we had to use masking tape to hold all the sides together, and then we secured them with tacks. One we had finished that part, I made a rough sketch of Spongebob's face on the front freehand with only a small print-out of Spongebob to look at. After that, we set to painting. Our first problem was that we didn't have white paint for Spongebob's shirt, eyes or teeth, so I traced out the outlines on see-thru foam and then on to pieces of white paper, and then cut them out. We had to tape them on because we didn't have glue. We didn't have paint brushes either, so Phil and I used dish sponges to paint the box. We had to mix a lot of the colours to come up with others, and at one point we mixed red paint with mayonnaise to give Spongebob his pink tongue. Since the paint kept soaking into the box we had to do several layers of each. THREE HOURS later we were finally done. And it looked kick ass!
I was bitching about all of our trials and tribulations to Adam when he got on the train at Anderson station. He had dressed up for school and he looked absolutely ridiculous. He was wearing this massive brown fro - and I mean MASSIVE!! It shook like Jello. He also had a gymnastics medal around his neck and this sparkly gold sports jacket which looked like it belonged in some 70s game show. He asked what I was going to be for trick-or-treating that evening, but I didn't know, so we brainstormed for a good part of the trip to school, but kept getting sidetracked by other topics and never really came up with anything. I headed on over to Scurvy Hall, into Consumer Behaviour class and took my usual place beside my class buddy Dave and jumped into our usual HR smack-down.
In HROD, our prof gave us chocolate! My other HROD buddy Nick told me that if I didn't eat my Aero bar we would get another one at the end of class. And then like halfway through class he was like, mwahaha, actually that's all you get! I was like pfff Nicholas, way to suck! And literally RIGHT AFTER we had to do this exercise where we had to smile at the person next to us for 30 seconds of all things! Stupid HR!
After class, I met up with Adam and some of his buddies at the Black Lounge for some drinks. Well, at first the plan was to go to the Den, but the vote was to move upstairs just so I could have my margarita. I may be little, but I've got power! After that, Adam, Ryan and I walked to the train station to catch a ride back to the south. We discussed a variety of topics from oil and gas stocks to Kurt Vonnegut. The topic of Halloween costumes came up again and Adam said he had one in mind for me. As Adam had driven to Anderson that day, the 3 of us got off there. He cranked up this crazy music, adjusted his game-show jacket and lit a cigarette.
Adam's costume suggestion was this little dinosaur suit. I was a little dubious about how it was going to fit, but he said we could make some alterations. So, I slipped it on over my clothes and he cut the band in the ankles because my legs were too fat (ha!) - and then after a few other minor adjustments, I managed to zip up the suit. Adam also gave me the matching headpiece, claws and some green mud mask stuff to put on my face. (You better believe my skin was ultra smooth and firm today!) We went on upstairs and Adam's Mom couldn't get over the fact that I actually fit into the costume. She told me that Adam's little bro wore it in like grade 2 which made me feel oh so fantastic. (Why oh why do I tell you guys these things?)
In exchange for supplying the costume, I had promised Adam I'd help carve their pumpkin. So, he put on a Neil Young record and we went to it while listening to "Heart of Gold". I don't really have much expertise in pumpkin carving, so uh, yeah, Adam had to do most of the cutting. We took turns drawing the facial features and then set to carving whatever the hell we both wanted to. When we were done, it looked absolutely ridiculous! Like, I don't even know how to describe it. Oh man, what a hack job!
Adam dropped me off and I called up Philly and we made plans to meet at the station. Shortly thereafter, his housemate came to pick us up and we headed back to their place. While Phil had some supper I played a few rounds of foosball against Dave. He was impressed by my playing, commenting loudly enough for Phil to hear that I was better competition than him. Haha! Unfortunately over night, Spongebob's pink tongue had turned a redish colour and the mayonnaise had soaked into the cardboard creating this big wet spot around the mouth. Phil said Spongebob was drooling and we went with it!
Phil got into costume and we headed over to his uncle's place so we could take out Phil's cousins out trick-or-treating. We went out for an hour or so and Phil's costume got lots of attention. It was funny realizing that practically everybody - even 75 year olds - knew who Spongebob was. I had to help guide Phil because being in a box he had no peripheral vision and kept running into things. Nobody seemed to realize that Phil and I were 20 and 21. Although the fact that I was wearing a costume made for a 6 year old might have had to do something with that. Haha, I almost killed myself when Phil would be like, "Thank you!" in this deep manly voice when they dropped candy into his bag! I was like, "Be careful or they'll be on to you!" On the way back to the house we cut through this back alley. Phil's little cousin Chris, who is like 8, was really scared, so he held onto my hand until we had made it through to the other side. Aww!
Afterwards, Phil and I hit Dixon's to check in with Dave and Alvin. The bouncer loved Phil's costume and ID'd him with it on. Phil and I were totally stoked from our Halloween trick-or-treating adventures. We were loving our window of opportunity in the fact that at this age we could pull off trick-or-treating and going to the bar all in one night!
And now, for the pictures y'all have been waiting for!
Spongebob Phil...
...and Morgantaur! Rawr!