One day I woke up, and I decided I didn't like the Australian Flag anymore. I mean there is nothing particular about the elements of the flag that scream out "AUSTRALIA!!".
The Union Jack is on 5 other national flags. I thought they would be on every other country in the Commonwealth, but apparently they saw through that regime, and got new flags.
27 countries used to have it on their flags.
The Southern Cross is on
5 other national flags. Other countries that view the Southern Cross at night.
I thought I would go and visit all the these other countries, to see if there was anything about them that made me think of home.
After a year, I had to come back. I had run out of money, and none of them would TAKE ME IN!! I could not migrate to any of these other countries. It's not that I missed Australia; I had missed the window of opportunity. I am too old now to migrate and cannot get residency.
Brazil would have me if I had lots of money to invest in Brazil, or if I had money to live on, to invest in Brazil, or if I had lots of prestigious pieces of paper.
I decided that I didn't want to try to live in Papua New Guinea. They roast their Christian invaders on open fires.
So please deport me, or I can only ever move to New Zealand!!!
(What a dumb slogan, anyway, when I can't leave.)