Sep 29, 2005 22:43
This morning we showed the house which involves running out of the house before the agents get here. This afternoon we got a call that someone wants to see the house between 7 and 8 pm Friday. Well, they showed up today at 7 in the middle of me canceling all my credit cards, bills spread out everywhere. Why was I canceling my credit cards? Earlier we were loading up some boxes to go to the storage unit. Nat grabbed my purse out of the house because I had cash in my wallet for dinner. He put it on the roof of the truck and said, "I put your purse on the roof- don't leave it up there." So of course I did.
We retraced the drive home, with no luck. When the unexpected agent showed up, I walked around the neighborhood calling my cc companies while Nat went on a much-needed food run. We hadn't managed to even have lunch yet! As I walked up to the door, a family drove up with my purse, found in the road, of course. They said all they bought was a lobster dinner at one of the local swank places. heh. I thanked them profusely. Some wacko walked up at the same time and wanted to see the house and tried to get us to let her in. I gave her our agent's card and told her to schedule an appointment through the office. She snottily said she already had an agent. Nat drove up with food. I told her that her agent could help her schedule an appointment. Then she said she was just going to peek in the backyard. Nat told her to please schedule an appointment and walked through the back gate, closing it. I'm sure she was just a nosy neighborhoodie wanting to snoop around.
The good thing? I only managed to cancel one card.