Top ten reasons to hate top ten lists

Dec 29, 2007 19:02

Actually, I’ll just give you one: they reduce a whole year into mashed carrots. Easily digested, spoon fed, no questions asked, just a cute little baby smiling back at you from the glossy packaging as if to say ’see it doesn’t matter what you went through losing your house and all, at least you still have that new Clive Cussler book, that was totally rad, right? And don’t forget about Putin! What a man!’

Is this how we really make sense of the world?

In other, perhaps related, news, I’m reading Braindead Megaphone by George Saunders. I highly recommend it for hilarity or as a serious reviewer might put it, “he’s got his finger on the pulse of America! Top ten material!!!”

Originally published at Bit Rate Labor. Please leave any comments there.


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