Did you know that the cover of The Triffid's acclaimed album 'Born Sandy Devotional' has a pic of Mandurah circa 1961 on it? Not interesting I know but I was just wikipedia surfing.
Ok here are my responses to the interests meme
moonvoice posted forever ago.
Comment on this post and I will choose seven interests from your profile. You will then explain what they mean and why you are interested in them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so that others can play along.
She picked;
Burnt Marshmallows
I like marshmallows that have been set on fire and then blown out so the crispy shell is left on the outside and the warm goo is on the inside. I have been known to eat whole packets of marhmallows at a time using this method. I also like the smelly texta that comes in this flavour. The black one.
Forest Cathedrals
I was rather horrified when this interest went from being a non-linked, meaning I was the only one interested in this, to linked, meaning someone else had clued in. I am interested in these because mythologically, the forest can also means the underworld. In fairytales when a character is banished to the forest, you know some shit is going to go down. And inner growth and all that. Ya know. I don't feel like being articulate right now. I like to use this setting in my paintings. I also like being in forests.
I like glitter, a lot. I like how it can totally change something from being normal to being, well, GLITTERED. I like using glitter as a verb. As in, "I'm gonna glitter yo ass". It's a pretty tangible threat.
I love the word hysteria and I love all uses of the word hysteria, especially in the media. It just makes me laugh. I remember over-using it when I was studying The Crucible in Year 11 English Literature. Ms Heath, my teacher, is now my boss. I lied, actually-I hate it when someone finds something funny and calls it "hysterical". It makes me want to punch them in the face. Hysteria is on my interests list because it is one of my favourite Muse songs. It comes out of nowhere with an incredible bass line and procedes to kick you in the ass and string you along with the most incredible prog hook you will ever hear. The "ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yaawwwwww" banshee wail of Bellamy, who then kicks the air before the alien-abductionesque solo in the live versions, love that. Well, you asked. Here is my incredibly lame and unsuitably mellow acoustic version.
Click to view
Viral Culture
I love how things catch on and become their own special breed of bullshit. I hate it when people complain about it. Look up the definition of meme. I don't know why no-one else has this listed. The internet revolves around it.
Wink Murder
My favourite childhood game. For those uninitiated, someone is designated the murderer, and only one person knows who it is. Someone is the guesser, and the murderer winks at all the other people who then have to die. The guesser has to figure out who the murderer is. It's a pretty deranged game for kids to play, as they pretend to get popped off sniper-style. I also love "murder in the dark".
Triple J
My favourite radio station. Yeah you people all know of it I'm guessing. Dools is my ideal guy. Also, I think I am one of the 20 people in Australia who finds Sam Simmons really funny.