Jan 06, 2006 23:52
Who was the first person you talked to in 06? eDSEL
The first person you hugged? eDSEL
The first person you called? lEAH
The first person you texted? lEAH,mICHAEL
The first drink you drank? wATER...
The first person that called you? lEAH
The first person that texted you? lEAH TEXTED ME BACK
Who was the 1st person to hang up on you? nO ONE, ON PURPOSE
What was the first thing you watched on TV? mTV AFTER THE BALL DROP
Who was the first person you thought of? lEAH,mICHAEL
What was the first thing you ate? pIZZA, I THINK
What were you wearing at midnight? nOTHING, JUST KIDDING. a GREEN HALTER, BLACK PANTS, A GAY NEW YEAR'S HAT.
Who was the first person you kissed? eDSEL