new blog

Aug 15, 2007 11:43

well so.

obviously i don't get on here much anymore. apologies. never thought I'd be the one to jump ship, but Live Journal feels like it was a passing fancy in h.s., you know?

but now I'm blogging it up at

that's one that i feel comfortable with everyone reading; i wanted to do a better job documenting my life for my far-flung friends and family members. and um, no offense lj, but blogger is way prettier.

I'll always have this around, hopefully; half of my life is documented on here!

in other news, previously not blogged about, I'm starting a new job next Wednesday. I'll be a page designer in Staunton! I'm looking to move there, hopefully by next month, but I haven't found much in the way of apartments or of people who would rent my apartment if I have to break my lease. So we'll see about that...
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