My world is a bit fuzzy today. Unfortunately I'm not referring to "warm fuzzies" either. It is simply fuzzy. A "doom and gloom" type rain has descended over DC, and shows no sign of going away. It makes me day-dreamy, and a bit wistful for a cup of hot chocolate and a wonderful Christmas movie. That's right, I said it: Christmas movie. Thanksgiving is still a week away, and I am already obsessed with the idea of Christmas. My head is swirling with thoughts of Christmas trees, various decorations, and posting a Nice/Naughty list of people in the office at my desk. (I have to be crazy political about that one. No matter how badly I want to put BitchyBoss on the the Naughty list, I'd probably get fired...)
As for other things, Noi's services last weekend were very beautiful. It was interesting to experience a Buddhist memorial service. It inspired a sense of calm and release, which I was very grateful to experience. The service we had for the community was friggin awesome. The Gay Men's Chorus sang some great numbers, Special Agent Galactica (drag queen extraordinaire) was the MC, and it truly was a celebration of that amazing little woman. Over 400 people from the community came by to participate, and it ended up being a fantastic way to say goodbye to her.
Last night I had an amazing conversation with
fielchimera. I suddenly find myself very much looking forward to being her partner in crime, and can't wait to wreak havoc with her.
That's my weekend update in a nutshell. Sordid details of drunken adventures, parties, and boys to follow shortly.